Dear Friends,
There are some evaluation criteria which are real eye openers for all companies who feel the have EVERYTHING on computers.
Basically what they mean is they have all garbage stored on computer instead of hard copies. We will explain you how thats a fact. Many companies say we have our accounts TALLIED, and we generate all VAT, Balance sheet, Trial Balance with Ratio analysis, Oh yes, ratio analysis from the system. Pump them a bit more than they will boast, VAT forms, ST3, (service tax) forms. TDS and TCS all from the system. That is their heights and levels of computerization. Generating few statutory reports is not business information system. These are post postmortems of business after a transaction has occurred.
Ask many companies few simple query which form a part of any business we have found they have NO clue for the same.
Question One:. You are operating from multiple locations do you know what is your stock status at each location or can you give me my stock statement in next 5 minutes. ?
Hardly any one is in a position to give.
Business and customers needs this data, and not your fabricated balance sheets.
Question two. You are into exports if a customer calls for goods or stocks status at 9.00 pm, since its morning there, are you able to give and compile a report from anywhere and send it to them. Or wait for next day till your super accountant comes in your office.?
This is a fact with most TALLIED accounts and the army of such accountants and operators.
They don't even know what are the material requests send by factory people, what purchase orders are raised, what goods are received and what is pending. but yes they are happy I file TDS from the system.
Kindly note the queries asked above form the business in totality and not filing of returns. If you are not in a position to answer any of the queries on demand and need time to compile reports. You need to re assess your IT investments and return on Investments.
There are very simple systems available for such simple problems, which are highly reliable, efficient and above all ON LINE AND REAL TIME.
Kindly note all of the above problems are due to technical backbone laggard selection and not a functional problem.
In case you like to see how on-line systems works, check out your own net banking systems.
For any other details and demonstration to solve all of above problems you can get back to us.
Evolve ERP
Cell 09322907681
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